02 July 2008

30.7 MPH!!!!

So there's a spot on my route through my neighborhood that has a pretty good hill for me. Usually, I don't try to blow down because there is a stop sign down there not too far from the end of it. Well, I opened up, late, but still opened up. I hit a max of 30.7 mph on it, far better than the typical 20-25 I hit there.

Unfortunately, this led to problems later on. Since I only ride in the neighborhood, I usually ride through stop signs if there's no one coming. And I have plenty of visibility at most of them. I coasted through the first stop sign and then the road I turn on hits another road that bends around in a U, making it sort of a fork in the road. There is a stop sign for the way I go. I had to stop. Remember, I ride clipless now. Well, I didn't downshift enough before I had to stop. Needless to say, I had a bit of trouble getting started. Nearly went over, but managed to get unclipped again.

Let's just say, another lesson learned. Downshift at stop signs. Unless of course, I want to fall over. Not my idea of fun.

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