22 June 2008

Ride, Mow, Wedding

I got up earlyish today so I could ride. Got in a two mile ride and mowed half of my backyard before I had to get dressed to go to a wedding. One of my wife's high school friends got married and had a great wedding. Too much food. Choice of 3 different entrees. Of course, I had one of each. :)

We were seated near the desert bar. Wow. Not good. I had quite a bit of everything. They had a build your own sundae thing. It was great. Peanut butter cake? Don't mind if I do. Peanut butter is my weakness. I could live on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. And peanut butter and jelly.

Anyway, weigh in is supposed to be tomorrow. I think I'll skip it and go for two laps of my 2 mile route. Then it's off to the parent's place to have dinner for my dad's birthday. And all of one more week of work before I take two weeks of vacation at home. I can't wait.

I plan on biking a lot during that time. Also, installing the hardwood floor in the living room and hallway and tile at the front door. I think I have a round of golf planned with my brother at some point since he's a teacher and he's off for the summer. He should have his new clubs by then. Can't wait. I haven't been golfing in a few months.

1 comment:

Thuggy said...

Sounds like a great reception. A good binge at special occasions won't set you back too far, so when those times arise make it count!

New flooring is hard work, but it is pretty much instantly rewarding, so it should be fun. I'm sure the wife will be extra happy when it is done, too.