14 June 2008

Short Ride

Only a short 2 mile ride today. I had a long week of work and didn't get to ride once during the week. I took the normal 2 mile loop and averaged 12.6mph.

On a great note, I didn't have any problems getting in the clips today. I'm getting better at this. I still want clipless pedals and shoes, but I can deal with this for the time being.

Until at least chainlove.com puts up road shoes for $25 again. I hemmed and hawed on them the last time they came up figuring I might get a pair that were more walkable. I was wrong. Nothing in road shoes for under $100 since then. Couple pairs of $60 mountain biking shoes, but no roadies.

They sell some brand called NorthWave. Looking around on the internet, I found that they run wide, like an E. Perfect width for me. For some reason widths are very hard to come by in cycling shoes. It's like a big secret that you can't know until you put the shoe on your foot.

Speaking of Chainlove.com, this is a great site. It's like Woot.com for cycling gear. One item at a time. Unlike woot which only reloads at 1am, chainlove reloads all the time. And not necessarily when an item sells out. It's addicting watching to see if a good item comes up. and even better is the tracker at http://chain.gearattack.com which refreshes automatically on a set time that you choose. It polls chainlove once a minute so you don't have to.

1 comment:

Thuggy said...

Keep up the good work... Sometimes it pays to take a couple of days off and let your body recover anyway.

Those sites are addictive, and wallet-draining for me! (So far, I've only gotten a cycle computer and a headlight from there... shipping seems high.)

Stay dry!