08 June 2008

Quick Ride and a Weigh In

It was already in the 90s by the time I got up at 9:45am. After hemming and hawing for a while, I decided to go on a short trip, just the first mile trip.

Got home, did a bit of gardening, shaved my head since my hair was getting long, and then weighed in before the shower. Came in at 276.5 lbs and 41% fat. I know for a fact I was 44% the last time I weighed in and around 280-281 or so. Now that I am blogging, I can keep track a little better. Sunday is going to be weigh in day. Preferably before I head out on the bike next time. I want to try to keep it the same each week.


Thuggy said...

Wow, progress already... keep it up! What are you planting? I've had horrible garden luck here in NJ so far, but a lot of that might be related to my neighbor's cat.

Jim said...

Tomatoes, parsley, basil, hot peppers, carrots, lima beans, and probably some other herbs that didn't die. I put everything out too early and a lot of it died.

Thuggy said...

I did the same thing! I had 4 different kinds of peppers going and all died. In Texas, you can put 'em out in early March and have no trouble! I did have some radishes that got huge and looked great, but I'm not a fan of the taste. I am trying to grow flowers out front to make this dirty old rent house look better, but I've mostly managed to make a giant cat box.